Maine DOE Seeks Students to Serve on First-ever Student Cabinet!! APPLICANTS SOUGHT
The Maine Department of Education (DOE) today announced that it is launching its first-ever student cabinet, a group of students that will meet quarterly with Commissioner Pender Makin to discuss educational opportunities, improvements, and policy. The purpose of the Student Cabinet is to provide a forum for Maine students’ voices to be heard.
Cabinet meetings will allow students from different grade levels, backgrounds, and areas of Maine to share their opinions and offer advice about Maine’s education system with Maine’s Commissioner of Education and other leaders from the Maine Department of Education.
Students grades 4 – 12 and first year of college are invited to submit an application to be a member of the Student Cabinet. Members selected will serve for a term of 12 months starting on November 1, 2019.
Cabinet meetings will be held throughout the school year. Most meetings are expected to be held as video conferences which will require cabinet members to have access to a computer or device with an internet connection. There will be at least one in-person meeting, for which the Maine DOE will reimburse travel costs.
Student Cabinet members will be selected based on representation of Maine’s geography, with a goal of two students from each county in Maine, based on the pool of applications submitted, and inclusive of the diverse cultural and economic backgrounds of students throughout Maine.
Selected students will be expected to attend scheduled meetings, prepare for each meeting as needed, work in a collaborative manner with each other and with Department staff as needed; and express views and opinions openly, constructively, and respectfully.
By becoming a member on the Maine DOE Student Cabinet, students will benefit by:
Having a direct role in improving education for students in Maine;
Gain important leadership, public speaking, decision making, and team building skills;
Develop a network of support and mentors through exposure to leaders across the state, and;
Have a great addition to their resume and applications for secondary opportunities.
Instructions for applying:
Students interested in serving on the Maine DOE Student Cabinet will need to submit the electronic application, with consent from a parent or guardian, by Tuesday, October 15, 2019 at 5 pm. Applications can be submitted electronically here. https://mainedoe.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_1XniZPsuFlbEdY9
For more information contact Kelli Deveaux (207) 624-6747 or kelli.deveaux@maine.gov

REMINDER about our presentation on how to apply for financial aid on 9/24 at 6:30!

SENIORS Check your email for important information!

Ms. Trenckmann's Ecology of Maine class had to opportunity to take things outside of the state of Maine and video chat into the Exploration Vessel Nautilus (currently exploring Johnston Atoll in the middle of the Pacific Ocean)! Students were given the opportunity to live chat with an education fellow onboard the vessel to learn more about the groundbreaking research currently taking place. This Exploration Vessel is equipped with some of the latest technological systems and is focused on advancing the frontiers of ocean explorations. Students we able to learn about the ROVs (remotely operated vehicles) onboard the vessel, and how scientists are both mapping the seafloor and collecting samples of organisms from the deep depths of the ocean. If you are interested in seeing what the ROVs are capturing, visit the Nautilus Live website to see a livestream from the vessel! https://nautiluslive.org/

NEACAC College Fair. See image for details!

Reminder tomorrow (9/10) is school picture day! Envelopes were sent home last week but additional envelopes can be picked up in the auditorium in the morning. AM UTC students are expected to go to the auditorium first thing in the morning to get pictures taken before leaving for UTC. All seniors will get pictures taken.

Are you a student who loves superheroes, art or STEM?
The STEM Superheroes campaign, powered by 3M and DoSomething.org, brings these elements together – along with a unique opportunity for students to win a scholarship.
STEM superheroes overview
Students (ages 13-25) design posters that feature creative and diverse superheroes who save the day using STEM superpowers. By submitting their design to DoSomething.org, students will be entered to win one of two $2,500 scholarships.
The goal of this campaign is to inspire and (super)empower younger students’ love for STEM.
Please visit dosomething.org/stem for more information. Sept. 15 is the submission deadline for the first scholarship and Nov. 30 for the second scholarship.

Freshman Supper!
Don't forget! Hermon High Freshman Welcome Supper is Tuesday September 10th from 5:00 to 5:40. Please join us for free food and information! Open House is from 6pm to 7:30.


Welcome CLASS OF 2023! GO HAWKS!

SAVE THE DATE!!! SENIORS ESPECIALLY! How to fill out Financial Aid! A flyer will be coming home through homeroom as well. Any questions contact Guidance!

Scholarship Season begins! Elks Most Valuable is Open! https://www.elks.org/scholars/scholarships/mvs.cfm

A great opportunity for any students in grades 5-12!

Seniors. Coca Cola Scholarship application can be found here.