September 16, 2024
Click the link to schedule your conference:
August 27, 2021
The Hermon High School Library Media Center is open during school hours for students and staff from 7:00 am to 3 pm. There are no public hours until further notice.

November 20, 2020
Click here for information about the Golf Tournament
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April 14, 2020
Here is the link to the 2nd Parent Webinar video.
Link to the slides :
Surviving Distance L...
April 8, 2020
Application for Enrollment Form Available
March 26, 2020
Please click below:
Hermon High School Parent and Caregiver Support During Our School Closure

March 23, 2020
Please find the attached memo on grading. I know for many of us this has been a huge adjustment. Please make sure you are connecting with your teachers through your Google Accoun...
March 18, 2020
Please read about support that is offered during the closure of Hermon Middle and Hermon High School Please click here Support

March 17, 2020
Please see image for information about how students can access learning and when to pick up materials at Hermon High School.

March 8, 2020
Felix Thibodeau is a senior at West Point who will commission into the Army as infantry officer in May. He is a political science major with a research focus on domestic terrorism...

March 6, 2020
Hawks 4 Change will be collecting reusable bags in good condition from Monday March 9 to Friday March 13 . Please drop them off at any of the Hermon schools. Any questions ple...

February 28, 2020
HHS is looking forward to our Step Up Day next Wednesday and welcoming future Hermon Hawks!
February 18, 2020
Your Opinion Matters – Hermon School Superintendent Survey
Current Superintendent of Schools Gary Gonyar will be retiring as of June 30, 2020. The Hermon School Committe...
January 9, 2020
SENIORS! The Mitchell Scholarship is open. Every high school in Maine will have at least one recipient. Please make note of the deadline!

January 9, 2020
Hermon Career Series continued this week with two local entrepreneurs. Jamie Clark and Lisa Liberatore, who came to share their experiences in business.
Jamie Clark is co-owner...
August 31, 2019
The Hermon Hawks Phone App is Ready!
The new Hermon School Department Phone App is now available in the App Store or on Google Play! Get all the latest news and imp...